2010年2月19日 星期五

JHU ED 週會筆記 021910

In service review
Saccular/berry aneueurysm: most non trauma SAH
Hunt and Hess grading
Procedural sedation moderate level, response to stimuli
Hemophilia A minor head blunt trauma: factor replacement to prevent delayed bleeding. For neck and head need empiric replacement.
Most late compartment: pulselessness
1/3 tibia plateau fx has ligamentous injuries
Paronychium Felon: incision of pad
Henoch Shonlein purpura: rash abd pain arthritis
Most common neonatal jaundice: physiologic peak 3d, breast feed 10d. Conjugated or direct is patho
D10 neonatal less than 3m
Galeazzi DRUJ widening
Montaggia mU
Colles: volar angulation
Lunate dislocation spilled teacup
FOOSH behind
Cat bite pasteuria only prophy ab compared to dog
ARDS steroid not working

Acid base
Delta gap: -6 AG & NAG, 6 meta alkalosis
Narrow AG lithium MM nitroglyceride
NAGMA diarrhea
VBG ABG? 很有趣,最近有一篇paper討論:

CONCLUSION: Venous blood gas analysis for pH, bicarbonate and Pco(2) may be a reliable substitute for ABG analysis in the initial evaluation of an adult patient population presenting to the ED.

Hypothermia protocol not useful in trauma patiens? Coagulopathy issue.
Whole blood 1:1 FFP RBC?
Trauma cooler
No data for plt ratio
Delayed mortality - infection from plt?