"I know you must be smart enough to be fluent in your second language, which is not possible for me in my imagination. And you did all the good job in school work getting great grade and passing the comprehensive exam...."老闆說。
不過美式教育也是聽了幾次,"but…","you have to push yourself harder, spend more time on it, remember your internship?...." Yeh, I get it, I know what you mean, but, the problem is....
為了和廠商合作的thesis主題,我們寫了封email去問program director,得到的回答是令人憂心的…"while the evaluation of a new diagnostic test is a legitimate research project, if the test product has been developed by others, it may not be suitable for a PhD dissertation..." 他說碩士生做這可以,博班學生 就不適合,因為這樣的research不知道能把我帶到什麼樣的未來… 所以他說若是可以發展出自己的問題,再來混合到這樣的工具上。
我老闆總是很實際的,他想的很清楚,時間上不允許,金錢上不允許,所以他否決過很多我為了要做novel research questions的提議。就像翹翹板的兩端,博班學生論文和日後研究的方向就在此一舉了,接下來就要看我自己的造化來決定混合這些東西能不能製造出什麼好的research question了…