2007年4月18日 星期三


今天上的MCR(method of clinical research)提到decision tree,是之前在台灣就有碰過的東西。美國人還是很屌,連這種東西都一定有program(treeage)可以用的…對於急診科每天都要面臨的decision making,不管你有沒有程式輔助都是要面對的,而這了是EBM的精神之一啊…

每週三中午的Welch center GR今天中午請Giovanni Parmigiani, PhDMicroarray Analysis,他本身是biostatistician,而現在microarray的費用降低,而其特色做為screen工具也讓很多clinician和epidemiologist等的有機會介入,用這個工具來解決臨床和公衛上可能更進一步的問題。正如Ruby講的,我們都要想想自己學完這些東西後回去的定位,雖然也許還是只是小螺絲一個,不過想到能開始做這些study就很興奮啊…

1 則留言:

  1. Treeage is the software we use in the class of decision making, it is a very interesting and useful tool to CEA or CBA study. For ER utility, treeage plays a very important role. I do suggest you should master this software and winbox software so that you could do lots of studies when you come back. To tell you the good news, I have received the admission and scholarship notice from the national university of singapore, LKY school of public policy. Thank God for the arrangement. Cheers!
